Category Archives: MicroStrategy Web

Transaction Services – Very simple demo to start learning……..

1. Create a freeform SQL with Select CAT_ID, SUB_CAT_ID, MONTH_ID, SALES, SALES * [?ValuePrompt]

2. Save the FreeForm SQL and Run the report

3. Create 2nd freeform SQL (This is going to be transaction report);

4. There should be Input objects and Output objects for each transaction (each transaction will have separate transaction report)

5. Enter Input / Output fields

5a. Input objects should match with values (…) in the insert statement

6. There should be one Output Object.

7. Save this insert Transaction

8. Open WEB, Create a document

9. Add the Query report (Freeform SQL)

10. Drag the required objects to the Panel (there should be at least one panel) as shown below

11. Right Click Text field, select ‘Configure Transaction’

12. Map the Fields with Values from Insert Statement

13. There are many styles of making editable field (slider, Text field, …..many-many)

14. Insert ‘Action Selector Button’ for Submission

15. Right click the button after adding

16. Go to properties, and go to Selector option

17. As usual,  select the panel as target

18. Run it in Express Mode, Enter/Modify value and click Submit to update database

19. This is very simple, Demo

20. For Update, Delete – need to create a separate transaction report for the document

21. This demo will help to start with… is your imagination.

22. Soon, will upload a demo for Mobile App with Transaction services feature.

Complex graph in Dashboard creation in WEB

Complex graph like ‘combination: Dual Axis – Bar – line’ graph cannot be created in Dashboard in WEB.

To achieve the same, create a report in desktop and make as above mentioned graph and save.

In WEB, while creating dashboard, add this data set in dashboard by ‘right click’ data set and add with formatting option. Now the graph which cannot be done in web, can be done in this way.