Extracting Long Description using Command Manager

About two weeks ago!

Received an SOS email from Kiran asking the method to extract the Long Description of Metrics using Command Manager. Not worked on CM much other than some bulk generation of attributes/facts, in past. Search on knowledge base and found the cause. There are predefined CM scripts that would let us do 80% of things that Command Manager can do, but rest 20% (the real gem) is not made available through scripts, but the documentation is available. Make sense as CM is not a widely used tool (though it is very powerful) and its uses are very limited.

Anyways, the script to populate Long Description would be as follows:

GET PROPERTIES (property1, property2, … , propertyN) FROM METRIC “<object_name>” IN FOLDER “<location_path>” FOR PROJECT “<project_name>”

Property Number List

  1. NAME
  2. ID
  7. OWNER

I couldn’t check the following when I worked on MicroStrategy 9 but as per my friend, Command Manager is integrated with MicroStrategy Web. OR let me put other way, it is very easy to generate the CM manager scripts using MicroStrategy Web SDK, otherwise people would have had to generate/code the Meta data code/SQL. This will make a lot of work related to SDK a lot easy to be integrated into Web as we can make a CM scripts to be executed instead of writing a lenghty code to be executed. Stay tuned, I’m expecting this integration somewhere in Sept and will post about it then.

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