Category Archives: SDK

Object Tracking Tool – with some updates

After long gap posting ‘Object Tracking Tool’ with some updates.

1)      The tool tested in system where I-Server is installed (not got a chance to test without I-Server)

2)      Tested in XP,2003,Vista, 7

3)      For those testing using Tutorial; the object ID for some objects may looks like same…but actually there is one number difference between each ID. Don’t assume that its repeating the same ID.

4)      Any suggestions/Comments are welcome

Note: Soon the tool will be integrated with some other tool also.

Download the tool here.

Note:  This application is provided “as is” and I disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, with respect to all provided items, including all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, systems integration, title, satisfactory quality and non-infringement. I do not warrant that use of the provided items or any portion thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the provided items or any portion thereof will meet any need or requirement of licensee.

Intelligence Server SDK Kit (part 3)

Note: Part 3 includes the work done so far in Part 1 and Part 2.

You probably found out by now that the Type and SubType properties of an IDSSObjectInfo (or similar class) return a numeric value. Call me picky, but if I were to build an application I would rather use layman’s terms such as Attribute or Drill Map instead of SubType 3072 or SubType 14336.

This third part of our tutorial offers a great way to convert these not-so-intuitive numerical values into their English meaning, by using a custom made function called DSS2Name.

You can download the VB6 files here.

Intelligence Server SDK startup kit – v2

In the first episode of this series I showed you how to connect to a MicroStrategy project using VB6. Time has come to look at three ways that can be employed to find an object.

Two of these methods (objSearch.Execute and ObjectSource.FindObject) are actually covered by Tech Notes on the Knowledge Base. Nevertheless, I thought to embed them in easy to use Functions.

The third method is the famous Search by ID, as I think is time for me to disclose its secrets… To be honest I never thought I would, but hey, it’s my 3 years within MicroStrategy community anniversary, so this one is on me :)

You can download the VB6 project files here:

Application(s) is provided “as is” and MicroStrategy101 and individual application author(s) disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, with respect to all provided items, including all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, systems integration, title, satisfactory quality and non-infringement. MicroStrategy101 and individual application author(s) do not warrant that use of the provided items or any portion thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the provided items or any portion thereof will meet any need or requirement of licensee.

MicroStrategy Object Exchanger

MicroStrategy Object Exchanger is a custom written tool that allows automatic and fast replacement of all occurrences of an attribute or a metric in all available reports. The formatting of the replaced object will be preserved!

Compared to the conventional manual way (open each report, replace the object, format the object again, save the report) Object Exchanger helps you to save many hours of hard and error-prone work.

MicroStrategy Object Exchange

MicroStrategy Object Exchange

The tool is based on MicroStrategy Intelligence Server API. You will need .NET Framework Redistributable (from Version 2.0) to start the tool. You can download it for free from Microsoft.

I used this tool at one of the German retail customers to replace one of the attributes (Item) with another one (Item Group) — but in over 100 reports! The whole process took only about 2 minutes.

Feel free to use MicroStrategy Object Exchanger in your projects. You can download it here. Just unpack the ZIP-file. The interface is very intuitive. Please let me know about your experience using this tool.

Note: You must have MicroStrategy installed on the machine where you want to execute this tool.

The Object Exchanger currently only supports the metadata from 8.x versions. To be on the safe side don’t forget to backup your metadata! I look forward for your comment, views on this tool.

You can read more about MicroStrategy Object Exchanger at my blog in German language.

Application(s) is provided “as is” and MicroStrategy101 and individual application author(s) disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, with respect to all provided items, including all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, systems integration, title, satisfactory quality and non-infringement. MicroStrategy101 and individual application author(s) do not warrant that use of the provided items or any portion thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that the provided items or any portion thereof will meet any need or requirement of licensee.

Intelligence Server SDK startup kit

I happen to know a guy or two whose curiosity for Intelligence Server SDK increased alarmingly in the last couple of months. I dedicate this article to them, and anybody who would like to get their hands dirty with some cool stuff.

But first of all, what is IS SDK? Most of the SDK guys are familiar with the Web SDK, the one which allows endless customizing to the web interface of MicroStrategy, amongst other things. Intelligence Server SDK, on the other hand, deals with reading, creating, modifying and executing objects from your Metadata. One can easily consider it to be Command Manager’s big brother who went to College. Unlike Command Manager, IS SDK is anything but user friendly. But man, it packs a serious punch if you learn how to handle it! The documentation and Tech Notes do provide all the necessary information to do just about anything, but actual examples are scarce.

IS SDK can be used via Visual Basic or C++. Since I’m by no means a pure breed programmer, I work with VBA, which is more or less like speaking English to the computer.

Enough introductions already. If you want to unleash its power, the first thing you must do is connect to a project. This apparently simple task poses enough challenges to deter many an enthusiastic programmer from going any further. I find this counterproductive and quite discomforting.

This is why I assembled a startup kit customized for VB6, which offers the code and explanations on how to connect to a project. Actually, it is the exact form that I used for Metadata Browser.

Download here:

Updates and new tips may come in the future, depending on your feedback.