Tag Archives: Free Reporting Suite

Free Reporting Suite has changed fate of MicroStrategy

I receive a lot of emails from all over the world who wish to learn MicroStrategy and some long lost friends have come asking about learning MicroStrategy. Also the curiosity of learning MicroStrategy have increased in some two quarter. This is based on my emails I receive, comments received on the blog,  my MicroStrategy forum, forum on Orkut and some other communities too. 6 months back big number of Fortune 100 companies were going down and MicroStrategy 9 seemed to have not big bang for MicroStrategy, Inc. But the FRT has simply changed the way MicroStrategy Inc ‘s future is going to take shape. Though it does mean drastic loss of revenue per license sold, but finally MicroStrategy Inc have realized they can’t continue being $$$ greedy for long. They have survived for 2 decades, but if they would have had remained same, they wouldn’t have been able to stay in BI market for long. I know the Fortune-100 companies will not let MicroStrategy Inc die as 90 out of them use MicroStrategy as the primary BI investment or only BI tool.

Coming back to fate change. I don’t see MicroStrategy Inc trying to capitalize on fresh availability of MicroStrategy professionals in job market. FRT has led to thousand of clients of seeing/trying MicroStrategy clients for the first time and realizing what were they missing for so many years. BO and Cognos are piece of crap in front of MSTR. They don’t match anything except the ease of development, but that leads to several other complexities in case of BO/Cognos too. I mean, metadata syncing.. never ever heard of that. :roll:

A bigger picture would become by Q1  2010. MicroStrategy World 2010 is due in a week and majority of sales lead would be getting closed by end of Q1 2010. I hope they are really doing good. (I do not consider myself good in doing anything other than MicroStrategy 😯 )

P.S. This is just thought that came in my mind. Blog topic doesn’t go with the blog post. :(