Category Archives: Metrics

Object Prompt in Cube and RS Document (RS already discussed earlier)

Earlier (actually long back), posted a topic about placing Object prompt in the RS document/ RS Grouping;


Here is the similar trick to use object prompt in the dataset created from Cube;

  1. Create an object prompt with metrics (A, B, C, D)
  2. Create a cube with attributes and with above A, B, C, D metrics and create a data set using this cube
  3. Drag and drop object prompt from MicroStrategy Desktop window to the cube
  4. And it works…..I tested this in 9.3 and 9.2.1 version.

Starting from 9.3.0 String Function can be used in Derived Metrics

Starting from 9.3.0 String Function can be used in Metrics;

1. Create a Max (Attribute-1) as ‘Derived_metric-1’

2. Create a Max (Attribute-2) as ‘Derived_metric-2’

3. Create a third metric as ‘Concat(Derived_metric-1, Derived_metric-2)

4. Place it in the report……it works (verified in desktop)


Additional Tip: similarly, you can create count (attribute) on the fly (as derived metric) – Cool…..

How to hide Metric column in MicroStrategy

For hiding Metric column only in Web: (assuming that English language was the Locale.)

  1. On the Web Server machine, go to the default location of Web ASPxWEB-INFclassesresources and open up the file called
  2. Go to the line ‘mstrWeb.1158’. For English language, ‘Metrics’ is the value.
  3. Delete the word ‘Metrics’ and leave one single space.
  4. Save the close the file.
  5. Restart Web server.

Note: If an environment is being accessed by users that may not be using the project default language, the administrator will need to go in and modify each MessageBundle properties file for that respective language and clear the mstrWeb.1158 Metrics reference.


For hiding Metric column in Desktop for Reports and RS documents.

1st method

  1. Goto Grid menu and check that Automatic Column width is disabled.
  2. Place the mouse between the Metrics column and the first metric on the report. Then, drag the column to the left until it is no longer present on the report:.

2nd method

  1. Open Options under Grid menu.
  2. Open tab Columns and Rows.
  3. Select radio button Fixed.
  4. Select Metric from dropdown menu and set 0 as pixen as width.

Metric Aliases

This is a little “don’t” that I stumbled upon recently.

Don’t create metric aliases that contain operators such as “-“, “+”, and so long. Although MicroStrategy allows you to do so, the database application (Oracle, Teradata,…) will nag you about expecting “something between – and ,” and of course, the report will stop executing.